Dynojet Power Commander
Dynojet Power Commander
Prior to upgrading my 2011 ECU to the 2012 model, I made contact with an applications engineer at Dynojet. As you may know, Dynojet makes a product called a Power Commander to alter the fueling of modern EFI motorsports equipment. I learned there was nothing specifically available for the OSSA, nor will there ever be, but there are a lot of controllers that could be made to work. Ultimately, I chose not to pursue this option for a variety of reasons but mainly because there is no good place to install such a controller on a trials bike, and “making something work” would just add complications and complexity to an already uncertain system.
But for those interested, here's what I found out:
It would be a “fuel only” controller with no adjustment for ignition timing as none of the Power Commanders can accommodate a CDI.
A Power Commander for the 2008 - 2014 Kawasaki KFX450 ATV would probably be a good choice as it uses the same connectors for the TPS and fuel injector as the OSSA.
Specifically, the PCFC series is an “entry-level” unit without a lot of bells and whistles. It does, however, combine all of the updated technology of the PCV and has 3 trimpots (low/mid/high regions of the map) for in-field tuning without the need for a computer. The Dynojet part number is FC17014. In 2014, it retailed for $249 USD.